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City of Detroit - 13-53846 - Motions, Briefs and Other Papers

The Court finds that it is in the best interest of the public, the parties in interest, the Court, and the Clerk of Court, that some documents and audio files be made available through the Court's web site. Documents in this case that are not made available through this web site are available at the Court for viewing from a public terminal or printed for a fee. Documents and audio files that are not made available through the web site are also available through PACER, a national electronic federal court case database, as well as this Court's Case Management/Electronic Case Filing (CM/ECF) database. Information about PACER and CM/ECF may be obtained from the Court's web site on the main page.

Declaration /Statement of Qualifications Pursuant to Section 109(c) of the Bankruptcy Code Filed by Debtor In Possession City of Detroit, Michigan. (Heiman, David) (Entered: 07/18/2013)
